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Airspace Authorizations

Under the small UAS rule, pilots or operators planning to fly in controlled airspace under 400 feet must receive an airspace authorization from the FAA. LAANC, the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability, automates the application and approval process for airspace authorizations, and dramatically decreases the wait time experienced with the manual authorization process. Through LAANC pilots and drone companies can (1) apply to receive a near real-time authorization for operations under 400 feet in controlled airspace around airports, and (2) request to fly above the designated altitude ceiling in a UAS Facility Map, up to 400 feet. Applicants may apply up to 90 days in advance of a flight and the approval is coordinated manually through the FAA. See the FAA UAS Data Exchange website for a list of companies that have entered into agreement with the FAA to provide LAANC Services.

According to the FAA's Facility Map, Florida State University’s Main Campus and Southwest Campus are in a zero-altitude grid. Getting approval from the FAA to fly in this area is very unlikely.

Part 107 Waivers/Authorizations

The small UAS rule (Part 107) includes the option to apply for a certificate of waiver, which allows for a small UAS operation to deviate from certain operating rules if the FAA finds that the proposed operation can be performed safely. Waivable sections of part 107 include:

  • Operation from a moving vehicle or aircraft (§ 107.25) *
  • Daylight operation (§ 107.29)
  • Visual line of sight aircraft operation (§ 107.31) *
  • Visual observer (§ 107.33)
  • Operation of multiple small unmanned aircraft systems (§ 107.35)
  • Yielding the right of way (§ 107.37(a))
  • Operation over people (§ 107.39)
  • Operation in certain airspace (§ 107.41)
  • Operating limitations for small unmanned aircraft (§ 107.51)

* The FAA will not waive this section to allow the carriage of property of another by aircraft for compensation or hire.

Learn more about applying for a Part 107 Airspace Authorization HERE.


Contact Us

Mary Sechrist, Director
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1330