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Research Mentoring Programs at FSU

This resource is meant to provide an overview of FSU mentoring programs.  If you know of a program that is not listed here, please email us and let us know about the program so we can add it to the list of FSU mentoring efforts, including the program title, website (if applicable), short description of the program, who are the mentors, who are the mentees, and who is the program contact.

Mentoring Programs for Faculty Researchers


Campus-Wide Mentoring Programs for Faculty Researchers

Office of Research Development FSU Research Mentor Academy

  • Description: Effective research mentoring relationships are critical to developing the next generation of researchers.  The mission of the FSU research mentor academy is to promote a culture of support for research mentoring and to provide training in optimizing mentoring relationships for mentors with their mentees at all levels of their research careers. Our training is based on the research mentoring curricula, Entering Mentoring, an evidence-based curriculum from the the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER), using an interactive approach that allows participants to explore an intellectual framework for research mentoring within a community of their peers. This approach provides mentors with opportunities for reflection and a forum to solve mentoring dilemmas and share successful mentorship strategies.
  • Contact: Dr. Rachel Goff-Albritton at


Office of Faculty Development and Advancement (OFDA) Career Path Mentoring Support

  • Description: Most faculty understand the benefits of mentoring early career faculty. An experienced faculty member shares experiences, advice, and expertise regarding the ins and outs of teaching, research, service, university and department specific protocols, and balance. What may be unexpected is that experienced faculty also benefit from mentoring. When working toward a particular career goal, it is always beneficial to tap the expertise of someone who has already achieved that goal or a similar goal.

  • Contact: If you need facilitation with faculty mentoring, please contact Dr. Peggy Wright-Cleveland at or 645-8202.

FSU/UF Center for Translational Science Award (CTSA) K Scholars Program

  • FSU NIH K Scholars Program 

  • Created as a result of a National Institutes of Health Clinical and Translational Science Award, a partnership between FSU and the University of Florida, the FSU K Scholar Program is designed to create a community of postdocs, junior faculty, and mentors who work together to submit excellent K applications and set FSU’s junior researchers on a path to independence. In addition to keeping the FSU community informed about the K Scholar Program, this website contains a variety of resources for FSU researchers applying for NIH Research Career Development Awards. See FSU News story about the program Here​.
  • Contact: Sylvie Naar, PhD, Director, FSU K Scholar Program (


  • Florida State University (FSU) is one of 6 universities among the first cohort of the NIH Faculty Institutional Recruitment for Sustainable Transformation (FIRST) Program. FSU aims to develop, implement, and evaluate a program, Fostering Institutional Resources for Science Transformation: The FLORIDA-FIRST Health-Science Brigade is transforming culture at FSU to generate a self-sustaining scientific community dedicated to supportive research excellence. We propose leveraging institutional resources to recruit a FIRST Cohort of 6 early-career, biomedical researchers who contribute to clusters of research excellence in chronic disease prevention and management (Cluster 1) or mental health (Cluster 2) and to implement a systems-level approach and generate evidence of its effectiveness for supporting individual faculty research and career development (micro), within their cohort and collaborative networks (meso), that can be replicated through sustainable changes to university culture (macro).




Research Mentoring Programs for Students


Research Mentoring Programs for Undergraduate Students


Research Mentoring Programs for Graduate Students

College of Education IES (Award # R305B210014) Pathways to the Education Sciences Research Training Program (PURPOSE) program

  • Website:;
  • Description: The PURPOSE program trains a diverse cohort of fellows in research with a focus on social justice in education. The goal of the program is to provide fellows with opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills they need to enter and successfully complete graduate programs in education and related fields. PURPOSE fellows will spend one year developing research skills through one-on-one faculty mentor relationships, research apprenticeships with faculty mentors (5 hours/week), coursework (5-10 hours/week), bi-weekly proseminars, and a service-learning research practicum (for example, at the local CDF Freedom Schools at FAMU DRS). Financial support for the program is provided by a grant from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Pathways Training Program (Award number: R305B210014). 
  • Mentor: The list of PI:
  • Mentee: Continuous enrollment at FSU or FAMU as either an upperclassman or beginning master’s student in education or a related field (including but not limited to Psychology, English, etc.).
  • Contact: Betsy Staudt Willet,

NIH T32 Program Chemosensory Training Program

  • Website: 
  • Description: Florida State University remains a rich training ground for postdoctoral scholars in the Chemosensory Sciences, initiating from pioneers in this discipline that built this scientific strength upon joining the university. Postdoctoral Scholars select a mentor from our team of faculty trainers and are encouraged to directly contact one or a number of trainers for employment opportunities.  Scholars participate in semester-long rotating series of reading / practicum group with the trainers, annual special lecture series in the chemical senses, conference travel presentation of their research, and professional development activities with the CTP trainers or FSU postdoctoral association. 
  • Mentor: Dr. Adam Dewan (, Dr. Debra Ann Fadool (, Dr. Elizabeth Hammock (,  Dr. Elizabeth Brown (, Dr. Alan Spector (, Dr. Douglas Storace (, or Dr. Roberto Vincis
  • Mentee: Postdoctoral scholars
  • Contact: Dr. Debra Ann Fadool,

NIH T32 Program​ Integrated Clinical Neuroscience Training for Translational Research

  • Website:
  • Description: The Integrated Clinical Neuroscience (ICN) Training Program, operating in the Psychology Department at Florida State University for the past four years, seeks to train the next generation of investigators to become leaders in translational research who will make major advances across several areas of psychopathology characterized by dysregulated (?disinhibited?) behaviors including eating disorders, suicidality, trauma-related disorders, and aggression. These problems are associated with significant psychological and medical morbidity, elevated mortality, and high economic burden, underscoring the need for research that translates the neural mechanisms that underlie normal and abnormal behavior in animals into clinical studies of the causes and treatment of mental disorders.
  • Mentor: ICN training faculty come from the Clinical and Neuroscience programs based on cross-area connections in research addressing dysregulated behaviors. 
  • Mentee: Predoctoral ICN trainees earning Ph.D.s in Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience
  • Contact: Dr. Pamela Keel,