RD Internal Mock Review Panel Program

The Research Development team's Internal Mock Review Panel Program can help you improve your proposal prior to submission.
What is a mock review?
A mock review is a pre-submission review of a PI's proposal.
FSU experts provide constructive comments on a proposal prior to the agency submission, giving the PI time to make revisions and ultimately increase the likelihood of the proposal being funded.
Why should you submit your proposal to a mock review?
A mock review will allow you to get feedback on both the methodology and the format of your proposal prior to the agency review. With a mix of experienced reviewers--some familiar with your research areas and others with specific agency review experience--many problems can be identified and addressed, prior to the agency review of your proposal.
How does it work?
If interested, you will request a mock review with the Research Development (RD) team. To be eligible, you must submit your request at least 7 weeks prior to the agency deadline and you must have your completed draft ready at least 6 weeks prior to the agency deadline. The review will be scheduled with enough time for you to consider the comments and make changes prior to the submission date.
Once you submit your request, an RD staff member in your discipline will help identify reviewers and contact you with a proposed timeline.
The actual review is a 1-hour session. You may invite members of your team (if applicable) to the review to listen with you and help you brainstorm strategies to address reviewer concerns. Your session will include 2-3 faculty reviewers. Reviewers will have approximately 15 minutes each to provide feedback on the strengths and opportunities to improve of the proposal. The remainder of the hour is open for discussion between the PI and the reviewers. To respect everyone's time, the session will not go over one hour.
Because this process is not specific to any particular agency, the review will not be set up like any particular agency review process (e.g., study section). Mock reviewers will be provided with your proposal narrative documents, along with your biosketch/CV, and the funding opportunity announcement and scoring criteria from the agency. If your proposal is a resubmission, you may be asked to include the previous review comments and your introductory response to reviewers (if applicable). Each mock reviewer will be asked to prepare feedback in advance. They may provide any written comments to you at their discretion.
The session will take place via Zoom and will be recorded. You will be provided with a link to the Zoom recording following the session which may be used, along with your written notes, to refine your proposal.
Reviewers are not asked to commit to any further review of the proposal after the mock review has concluded.
All reviewers and mock review attendees are reminded that the materials under review and the recording are confidential and should not be shared with anyone outside of the mock review.
The Research Development team will facilitate mock review sessions for any discipline or funding agency. To inquire, please email rd@fsu.edu or contact your Research Development Coordinator.
Mock Review Sessions for National Institutes of Health (NIH) Proposals
If you are applying for an NIH K-Series Career Development Award, you should contact the CTSA K2R Scholar Program (Jenn Gerson, jennifer.gerson@med.fsu.edu; Dr. Henna Budhwani, hbudhwani@fsu.edu) for mock review services.
For all other NIH proposals (R-Series, etc.), FSU Research Development handles mock review services. These are led by Program Director and Health and Life Sciences Lead, Dr. Nicole Viverito (nviverito@fsu.edu). Mock review timelines for standard NIH cycle dates are below.
Mock Review Sessions for Spring 2025 new R01 and U01 submissions (NIH application deadline: Feb 5)
- Send an email to Nicole expressing interest by Mon, Dec 2
- Send a completed proposal draft to Nicole by Mon, Dec 9
Mock Review Sessions for Summer 2025 new R01 and U01 submissions (NIH application deadline: Jun 5)
- Send an email to Nicole expressing interest by Thur, Apr 17
- Send a completed proposal draft to Nicole by Thur, Apr 24
Mock Review Sessions for Fall 2025 new R01 and U01 submissions (NIH application deadline: Oct 5)
- Send an email to Nicole expressing interest by Mon, Aug 18
- Send a completed proposal draft to Nicole by Mon, Aug 25
Please submit inquiries regarding R01 resubmissions/renewals or other NIH funding mechanisms to Nicole at nviverito@fsu.edu.