Federal Research Updates
Dear Faculty and Staff,
The past two months have brought notable developments in higher education, as federal and state leaders continue to review policies and programs that directly affect our academic and research communities.
We recognize that such changes naturally bring uncertainty and raise important questions. Over the past weeks, we have greatly appreciated the many conversations we've had with you, in which you’ve shared your perspectives and concerns. These dialogues are invaluable and inform how we approach each challenge and opportunity.
Our leadership team is actively working to understand the scope of new directives, analyze their impacts, and thoughtfully align our actions with emerging guidance. Each day, we are in constructive conversations with state and federal officials, higher education associations, peer institutions, our Board of Trustees, and the State University System of Florida. Through these efforts, we are communicating how these evolving policies intersect with our mission and are advocating collaboratively to advance the priorities of Florida State University.
What remains unchanged are our core values. We are unwavering in our commitment to the success of our faculty, staff, and students, and we will continue to champion and invest in the advancement of our academic, research, and service missions. We are moving forward with confidence, making informed decisions that position us strongly for the future.
We also recognize that many of you may be personally impacted or have specific concerns. Please know that you are not alone. We are here to support, listen, and stand with you as part of the FSU family. We encourage you to reach out directly to any of us if you have questions, need support, or simply wish to have a conversation. We also encourage you to connect with and support one another in your departments and communities.
You are the driving force behind our university’s excellence. Your dedication, hard work, and resilience inspire us daily. Together, with our 'Unconquered' spirit, we will continue to uphold the values and strength that define Florida State University, confidently navigating this evolving landscape.
President Richard McCullough
and the FSU Senior Leadership Team
Dear Colleagues,
As we approach spring break week, I am writing to strongly encourage you to stay connected and monitor your email at least daily for any notifications, requests, or updates from your federal sponsors. FSU principal investigators (PI) have received requests this week requiring immediate action. Therefore, it is critical that you continue to share all communications with Kerry Peluso, Associate Vice President for Research Administration and Finance at kpeluso@fsu.edu as soon as they are received.
Please continue with all funded research activities and proposal submissions without interruption unless you receive specific guidance from your sponsor.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns about proposal submission or grant activities, please reach out to me or other members of the senior team directly.
Thank you for all you do for FSU!
Kind Regards,
Stacey S. Patterson, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research
Dear Colleagues,
On Wednesday evening, a new Executive Order (EO) was released with instructions for implementing the President’s cost efficiency initiative. This guidance directs federal agency heads to review all contracts and grants within the next 30 days, and we are working to learn more about plans to implement this EO.
While we are closely monitoring all developments, it is critical that you continue to share all communications from your federal sponsors with Kerry Peluso, Associate Vice President for Research Administration and Finance at kpeluso@fsu.edu.
The FSU administration is actively engaging with federal and state partners to champion the important role the university plays in our state and nation and to share the impact of your research and scholarship.
We also provided an update to the Research Committee of the Board of Trustees and have met with Deans, Department Chairs and faculty groups to discuss ideas and strategies to navigate new challenges and highlight opportunities. We would be happy to join faculty meetings or other gatherings upon request.
This is a constantly evolving situation. While uncertainty is challenging, please know you have our support. We are committed to working together as we strengthen our mission of teaching, research and service for the benefit of Floridians and beyond.
Please continue with all funded research activities and proposal submissions without interruption unless you receive specific guidance from your sponsor.
If you have any questions or concerns about proposal submission or grant activities, please reach out to me or other members of the senior team directly. We are here to help you succeed.
Thank you for all your hard work. We truly appreciate all that you do for FSU.
Kind Regards,
Stacey S. Patterson, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research
Dear Colleagues,
A federal judge today heard arguments regarding plans by the National Institutes of Health to cap Facilities and Administration costs at 15%. Though we are still waiting on a permanent decision, the judge ordered the temporary pause to remain in place until a final decision is rendered.
We are closely monitoring all developments and will update you accordingly.
As a reminder, please continue to share all communications from your federal sponsor with Kerry Peluso, Associate Vice President for Research Administration and Finance at kpeluso@fsu.edu.
The FSU administration truly appreciates your hard work and patience as this situation continues to evolve. Thank you for all you do for FSU!
Kind Regards,
Stacey S. Patterson, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research
Dear Colleagues,
I hope this message finds you well and busy with the academic semester.
Last week, I shared an update on the rapidly evolving federal funding landscape. At that time, a federal judge had ordered a nationwide pause on plans by the National Institutes of Health to cap Facilities and Administration costs at 15%. That case will be fully heard tomorrow, and we are closely monitoring all developments and will update you accordingly.
Changes at other federal agencies are also driving significant shifts in the funding landscape, and we are working diligently to work with the impacted groups and to keep you informed more generally of all changes as they occur. At this time, we are advising faculty to continue conducting grant-related activities for which funds have already been allocated, unless they are specifically advised that a project has been suspended or terminated. Please note: Federal agencies have issued notices to immediately cease all DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) activities. Faculty should also exercise prudence in making additional financial commitments, especially if a funded award appears to conflict with current administration priorities and executive orders.
If you receive any communications from your federal sponsor, please forward it to Kerry Peluso, Associate Vice President for Research Administration and Finance (kpeluso@fsu.edu). It is likely that you, as the Principal Investigator (PI), will receive notice before we receive it centrally.
Our collective efforts in advancing knowledge, driving innovation, and addressing societal challenges are more critical than ever. Each one of you contributes to our university's mission of excellence and plays a pivotal role in shaping the future through your groundbreaking research, scholarship and creative endeavors. It is essential that we not only continue to pursue our scholarly goals with vigor but also actively communicate the positive impacts of our work to stakeholders, policymakers, and the broader community.
The FSU administration is actively engaging with federal and state partners to share the potential impact of these developments on our university, the State of Florida, students and all taxpayers. But we need your help. Here are a few ways you can amplify your work:
Share compelling stories of how your work has led to significant advancements, solved pressing problems, or improved lives. These narratives can be powerful tools in showcasing the value of our research and creativity. Our research communications team stands ready to help at rsch-communications@fsu.edu.
Foster collaborations with industry partners, not-for-profit organizations, and other academic institutions to broaden the reach and impact of your research.
Utilize social media, public lectures, and community events to share our messages with the public about the importance of research and its contributions to society and our economy. Please like and share FSU stories through your networks!
We understand that this is a quickly evolving situation, and that the uncertainty is challenging. We are committed to providing the most up-to-date information to help you successfully conduct your work and fulfill FSU’s mission as a public R1 university now and in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about proposal submission or grant activities, please reach out to me or other members of the senior team directly. We are here to help you succeed.
We have also been meeting with Deans, Department Chairs, and faculty groups to provide more specific updates and discuss ideas and strategies to help navigate challenges and opportunities. We would be happy to join faculty meetings or other gatherings as requested.
Thank you for all you do for FSU!
Kind Regards,
Stacey S. Patterson, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research
Dear Colleagues,
As I am sure you have heard by now, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released Supplemental Guidance on Friday evening to the 2024 NIH Grants Policy Statement: Indirect Cost Rates (NOT-OD-25-068). This new guidance takes effect today, February 10, 2025, and caps Facilities and Administration (F&A) costs, also known as indirect costs, on all new and existing NIH grants to Institutions of Higher Education at 15%.
F&A is currently charged based on a negotiated rate and helps supplement services including, but not limited to, grants administration, research audit and compliance functions, animal care, human research protection programs, commercialization, research development, and environmental health and safety. It also supports space operations and maintenance, debt service, utility costs, and security. Additionally, due to FSU’s strong support in many areas, the availability of these funds makes it possible for us to support colleges and departments through a 30% SRAD return, invest in internal grants programs like the CRC, contribute to startup packages, fund cost share requirements and student/post-doctoral training support, and provide equipment upgrades and maintenance.
Our team is working with university leadership to model the full impact of this change and will communicate as soon as possible about any immediate impacts. At this time, all funded research activities and proposal submissions, including those with the NIH, should continue per standard business procedures (with the budgeted and approved indirect cost rate) without interruption.
We appreciate your patience as we work to fully understand the impact of this evolving situation and determine how to implement these new regulations. We are committed to providing all applicable guidance as it becomes available. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to me or other members of our senior team directly.
Thank you for all you do for Florida State University and in support of our important mission of education, service and research.
Kind regards,
Stacey S. Patterson, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research
Federal Research Updates Webpage
Dear Colleagues,
Over the past couple weeks, I have spoken with many of you about the evolving status of federally funded contracts and grants. We continue to monitor the situation closely and are committed to providing the most up-to-date information as it becomes available. Earlier this week, a federal judge blocked the widespread funding pause. However, all stop-work orders remain in effect.
At this point, FSU administration is advising faculty to continue conducting grant-related activities for which funds have already been allocated, unless they are specifically advised that a project has been suspended or terminated. Federal agencies have also issued notices to immediately cease all DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) and, in some cases, other activities impacted by executive orders issued since 1/20/25.
Faculty should exercise prudence in making additional financial commitments at this time, especially if a funded award appears to conflict with current administration priorities or executive orders.
If you receive any communications from your federal sponsor or have any questions regarding your specific project, please forward them to Kerry Peluso, Associate Vice President for Research Administration and Finance (kpeluso@fsu.edu). If you have questions regarding the research compliance requirements on your award, please contact Mary Sechrist (m.sechrist@fsu.edu).
All new information continues to be posted on the Federal Research Updates page with time stamps.
We understand some may feel uncertain during this transition. However, FSU faculty are resilient, dedicated researchers and scholars. Your work is impactful and important. FSU has made great leaps in its research productivity over the past few years, and our progress is a direct reflection of your efforts and dedication to your work and our university.
If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly. We are here to help navigate this process and work through any issues that may arise.
Kind regards,
Stacey S. Patterson, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research
Federal Research Updates Webpage
Dear Colleagues,
Many of you may now be aware of the White House decision to pause
all federal assistance that may conflict with recent executive orders.
There are still many questions about what this will look like for the
long term. Please be assured that the FSU administration, including
our government relations team located in Washington D.C., is working
diligently to understand the impacts of this decision and how it will
affect our work going forward. On Friday, the Division of Research
created a dedicated webpage where we will post updates and
resources as new information is available from the federal level.
We have published updates organized by specific guidance by
agency to allow you to simply navigate the relevant information from
your sponsors. We encourage you to review this page and any pages
associated with your specific programs.
Researchers should expect limited communication from federal
agencies until this transition is complete.
If a program officer reaches out to you directly, please notify Kerry
Peluso, Associate Vice President for Research Administration and
Finance (kpeluso@fsu.edu) as soon as possible so we can assist
If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not
hesitate to reach out to me directly.
Kind regards,
Stacey S. Patterson, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research
Federal Research Updates Webpage
Dear FSU Faculty,
I hope this message finds you well, and you are keeping warm and safe during this rare
winter weather event in Tallahassee!
I wanted to assure you that we are closely monitoring the information from federal agencies
including any potential changes to federal programs. As of today, FSU has not received
anything to indicate a need to alter our efforts.
Please continue with your current projects and plans as usual. We encourage you to
continue to submit quality proposals, continue your high-quality work, and submit timely
technical reports and updates as required under your specific grant agreement or
We appreciate your dedication and hard work in advancing research and innovation at FSU.
Should there be any need for adjustments or new guidelines in the future, we are dedicated
to making sure you receive prompt and comprehensive information. To help with this
communication, the Division of Research has created a dedicated webpage where we will
post updates and resources. This page will be updated regularly as new information is
received from the federal level.
If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out
to me directly.
Kind regards,
Stacey S. Patterson, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research
The FSU administration is actively engaging with federal and state partners to share the potential impact of these developments on our university, the State of Florida, students, and all taxpayers. But we need your help. Here are a few ways you can amplify your work:
- Share compelling stories of how your work has led to significant advancements, solved pressing problems, or improved lives. These narratives can be powerful tools in showcasing the value of our research and creativity. Our research communications team stands ready to help at rsch-communications@fsu.edu.
- Foster collaborations with industry partners, not-for-profit organizations, and other academic institutions to broaden the reach and impact of your research.
- Utilize social media, public lectures, and community events to share our messages with the public about the importance of research and its contributions to society and our economy. Please like and share FSU stories through your networks!
NOT-AD-25-068 issued by NIH, as detailed below, placed a 15% cap on indirect costs. A Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) has been placed on this action. Judge Angel Kelley of the federal district court of Massachusetts has paused this nationwide, writing the NIH and the Department of Health and Human Services and “their officers, employees, servants, agents, appointees, and successors are hereby enjoined from taking any steps to implement, apply, or enforce” the NIH cost-cutting” in any form with respect to institutions nationwide until further order is issued by this Court.”
The guidance below (dated 2/09/25) continues to apply. All funded research activities and proposal submissions, including those with the NIH, should continue per standard business procedures utilizing the budgeted and approved FSU indirect cost rates that have been approved by DHHS (unless an institutional waiver has been approved).
The National Institutes of Health NIH released NOT-OD-25-068 on Friday, which states that all new and existing NIH awards are subject to a 15% indirect cost, effective February 10, 2025. Full information on the implementation of this policy was not provided. Our team is awaiting further guidance from the NIH regarding the implementation of this change. We will communicate as soon as possible regarding any changes. At this time, all funded research activities and proposal submissions, including those with the NIH, should continue per standard business procedures (with the budgeted and approved indirect cost rate) without interruption.
At this point, FSU administration is advising faculty to continue conducting grant-related activities for which funds have already been allocated, unless they are specifically advised that a project has been suspended or terminated. Federal agencies have issued notices to immediately cease all DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) activities.
Faculty should also exercise prudence in making additional financial commitments at this time, especially if a funded award appears to conflict with current administration priorities and executive orders.
If you receive any communications from your federal sponsor, please forward it to Kerry Peluso, Associate Vice President for Research Administration and Finance (kpeluso@fsu.edu). If you have questions regarding the research compliance requirements on your award, please contact Mary Sechrist (m.sechrist@fsu.edu).
Several Executive Orders have been issued recently (White House News), which reflect shifts in federal priorities. These changes could potentially impact both awarded projects and those awaiting funding from federal agencies or sponsors.
As federal agencies and sponsors adapt to these developments, FSU’s Office of Research will continue to provide you with guidance, updates, and links to relevant resources to help you navigate this evolving landscape. If you receive information that isn’t already on this page, please forward it to Kerry Peluso, Associate Vice President for Research Administration and Finance (kpeluso@fsu.edu) for inclusion.
- Proposals will continue to be submitted under FSU’s existing processes and procedures.
- Sponsor proposal review timelines may be extended while federal agencies navigate pauses on federal assistance funding in specific areas.
- Pre-award spending is not recommended at this time. Requests for Advance Accounts will require additional reviews and may not be approved.
What to Do:
- There may be changes to proposal deadlines. It is recommended to reconfirm the deadline and program dates.
- Reconfirm that the funding announcement has not been revised, postponed, or removed. If available, consider signing up for alerts from the federal agency or sponsor.
- Expect DEIA-related aspects to be removed from solicitations.
- The terms and conditions of your executed award remain enforceable so long as your award is active. This includes the ability to invoice and receive reimbursement. Please continue with business as usual. If there is a change to your award, FSU will receive an amendment for review and execution.
- We anticipate possible changes to research compliance requirements. These changes could either be implemented directly by a federal agency or sponsor or may require an amendment on a project-by-project basis. We will share any information we receive with you, though you may also receive instructions directly from your Program Officer. It is crucial to act swiftly to ensure compliance with any new requirements, as failure to do so could jeopardize funding.
- We anticipate updates to award reporting requirements. These changes could either be implemented directly by a federal agency or sponsor or may require an amendment on a project-by-project basis. We will share any information we receive with you, though you may also receive instructions directly from your Program Officer. It is crucial to act swiftly to ensure you comply with any new reporting requirements, as failure to do so could jeopardize funding. If you need assistance managing any requests, please contact yourGrants Officer in SRA.
- Delays or pauses in payments for existing grants are anticipated.
- Federal agencies have issued notices to immediately cease all DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) activities. These include training, reporting, staffing-related, and other activities. If you are unsure if this would apply to your activities, please contact Kerry Peluso, Associate Vice President for Research Administration and Finance to discuss.
What to Do:
- Review your Grant Award: Ensure you understand the terms, especially clauses related to funding availability and reimbursement.
- Cease any DEIA activities (per note above).
- Funds budgeted for DEIA activities should remain unspent and NOT be rebudgeted to other areas.
- Monitor spending on your projects: Closely monitor obligated budget balances to avoid deficits while awaiting future obligations. Anticipated future funding remains subject to the availability of funds and should not be considered guaranteed. All pre-award spending on existing advance accounts should be kept to a minimum (ensuring that the requirements of the project continue to be met and the project is not negatively impacted.
- Communicate with your Program Officer: Stay in touch with your program officer to confirm no changes affect your award. If you receive guidance from your program officer or sponsor regarding the status of your award or continued funding, please forward it to Kerry Peluso, Associate Vice President for Research Administration and Finance (kpeluso@fsu.edu). If you have questions regarding the research compliance requirements on your award, please contact Mary Sechrist (sechrist@fsu.edu).
- Monitor due dates: Ensure reports and deliverables are addressed in a timely manner. Prioritize the submission of any technical reports or deliverables that may be past due.
- Regarding travel, federal agencies may place additional restrictions on travel. At this point, if travel has been budgeted, booked, and is necessary, it is fine to proceed. Any future travel that is not critical should be refrained from until additional guidance is provided.
- Monitor Policy Updates: Keep an eye on announcements from the federal agency overseeing your grant for any updates on funding or compliance requirements.
- Monitor communications from OVPR (Office of the Vice President for Research) and SRA (Sponsored Research Administration): Closely monitor your emails and this dedicated page for Federal Research Updates for any communications regarding updates and changes.
- When engaging in procurement activities for federally funded projects, please consider the following:
- If federal funding has not been obligated to FSU to pay for the procurement, consider postponing or canceling the procurement until the required funds are awarded.
- If a procurement is in process, review the terms and conditions of the agreement for cancellation provisions and upcoming payment milestones.
- 02/05/2025: Continuance of Federally Funded Projects Pending Temporary Restraining Orders
- 01/29/2025: Recission of Memorandum M-25-13
- 01/23/2025: APLU
- APLU Statement on Cuts to Reimbursement of NIH Facilities & Administrative Costs
- AAU: FAQs about F&A Costs of Federally Sponsored University Research
- COGR One Pager on F&A
- Other COGR F&A Materials
- AAMC: Facilities and Administrative Costs