Cumulative Proposal Amounts by Fiscal Year and Funding Source
As of 12/31/2024

$ Proposed FY24 $ Proposed FY25
Federal 343,479,627 463,109,558
State 38,750,502 48,413,231
Other 118,053,269 116,301,874
TOTAL 500,283,398 627,824,663

Cumulative Award Amounts by Fiscal Year and Funding Source
As of 12/31/2024

Federal 134,320,920 117,766,655
State 41,615,420 33,526,364
Other 14,299,887 16,886,280
TOTAL 190,236,227 168,179,299

Proposal and Award Counts Comparison by Fiscal Year and Funding Source
As of 12/31/2024

Proposal Counts for FY24 & FY25
Monthly Comparison

Proposal Amounts for FY24 & FY25
Monthly Comparison

Award Counts for FY24 & FY25
Monthly Comparison

Award Amounts for FY24 & FY25
Monthly Comparison

Initial Federal Awards by Funding Source FY25 (in Millions)

Federal Awards by Funding Source FY25 (in Millions)

Count of Award Purpose FY25

Amount of Award Purpose FY25 (in Millions)